
Office of the Provost

Dedicated to learning, personal growth, knowledge creation and the betterment of society, the University engages students in acquiring the knowledge, skills and values necessary to thrive in and contribute to a pluralistic, complex world.

The Office of the Provost, led by Provost Katherine Black, oversees all academic-related functions, including undergraduate and graduate programs, faculty, and libraries. We invite you to learn more about these different areas and the dedicated staff associated with them by following the links below. You will soon discover the vibrant and innovative learning environment that is the University of Hartford.

Our Services

Faculty Affairs

Our office is dedicated to supporting faculty members and their development. Learn about grants, resources, workshops, and faculty awards.

Faculty Affairs
Academic Resources

The Office of the Provost guides the university's educational mission through oversight of and collaboration with a diverse range of people, programs, and departments.

Academic & Administrative Areas
Strategic Partnerships

At UHart, we are committed to cultivating rich and mutually beneficial relationships with business, industry, government, and community and not-for-profit partners.

Strategic Partnerships
Jackie McLean Fellowship

Competition for the Jackie McLean Fellowship is open to candidates who have completed all coursework toward a terminal degree (doctoral degree or MFA). Post-doctoral candidates are also eligible.

Jackie McLean Fellowship
Institutional Review Board

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) at the University of Hartford is charged with the ethical review and oversight of research that involves human subjects. The complementary concerns of the IRB are to protect human subjects from harm and to support the advancement of ethics in science.

Institutional Review Board

Office of the Provost

Contact Us

200 Bloomfield Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06117-1599
Phone: 860.768.4504
Fax: 860.768.4070

Leadership Team

Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
Katherine A. Black

Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
James Shattuck

Associate Vice President for Graduate and Professional Studies
R.J. McGivney

Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs and Research
Jessica Nicklin

Assistant Provost for Academic Finance, Administration, and Planning
Robert A. McAlpin 

Executive Director for Institutional Effectiveness
Kathleen Neal

Director of University Libraries
Alicia Hansen

Natalie Durant

Executive Director for the Center for Teaching Excellence and Innovation
Lisa Zawilinski

Director of the Graduate Student Experience
Sheetal Sood

Administrative Team

Executive Assistant and Project Manager
Katrina Farquhar

Administrative Assistant
Angel McNiel

Administrative Assistant
Ann Brown

Contact Us

200 Bloomfield Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06117-1599
Phone: 860.768.4504
Fax: 860.768.4070


The International Situation Management Team (ISMT) is a cross-functional team comprised of select department management critical to addressing and responding to an international incident that places in danger students, faculty, staff, and other members of the University community (hereinafter referred to as “others”) on a University of Hartford-sponsored program. The ISMT operates within the framework established by the University Policy on University-Sponsored Travel Abroad and ultimately reports to the President of the University of Hartford.

At the request of the Office of the Provost or the Dean of a College, the ISMT will meet to address a situation related to travel by students, faculty, staff, and others. When University of Hartford students are participating in affiliated programs in areas that have been designated as dangerous according to the standards set forth in the University Policy on University-Sponsored Travel Abroad, the ISMT will monitor the responses of local program providers.

The ISMT is designed to involve all relevant aspects of University functions and reflects the expertise and knowledge of the University environment.

Members of the ISMT

  • RJ McGivney, Associate Vice President for Graduate and Professional Studies (Convener and Chair)
  • Nicole Kurker-Stewart, Director, International Center (Co-Chair)
  • Laura Whitney, Vice President for Finance and Operations
  • Molly Polk, Vice President for Marketing and Enrollment
  • Aaron Isaacs, Dean of Students
  • Kate Dion, General Counsel and Secretary

Note: The Provost will be responsible for all appointments and reappointments, as needed.

Responsibilities of the ISMT

  • Defines emergency policy; meets annually to assess adequacy of emergency policy
  • Develops, in consultation with experts, both general procedures for on-site faculty/staff members to follow in case of a crisis/emergency and specific procedures to be followed in regions where there is a greater likelihood of an emergency evacuation being necessary.
  • Determines program closures and resumptions in consultation with the faculty member on site in the affected locale and the President of the University or his official designee.
  • Assesses reconnaissance and data.
  • Prioritizes situation reports and plans strategies.
  • Manages tactical response.
  • Manages the flow of public information.
  • Collects and verifies field reports.
  • Maintains incident data log.
  • Provides technical background information and maps.
  • Obtains and stages resources.
  • Coordinates support services.
  • Tracks expenses and manages University claims process.


State Department and/or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issues serious level of travel warning (as defined by the University Policy on University-Sponsored Travel Abroad).
Convener of ISMT determines that situation may/will result in an emergency and may/will require a coordinated response by the ISMT.

  • ISMT convenes.
  • ISMT initiates notifications of parents and/or family members.
  • ISMT determines if situation requires immediate repatriation of students/faculty/staff.
  • ISMT establishes Emergency Operations Command Center.
  • ISMT implements Action Checklist.
  • ISMT initiates chronological event log.
  • ISMT determines academic impact of program termination.
  • ISMT accesses internal communication requirements and establishes communication plan.
  • Office of Marketing and Communication establishes communication with appropriate media.
  • ISMT initiates recovery operations.

Medical and Emergency Travel Assistance Insurance

The University requires all faculty, staff, students, and others traveling on University of Hartford related business to enroll in the University’s medical and emergency travel assistance insurance for the duration of their time abroad. For further details on this coverage and to enroll, please contact the International Center at 860.768.4870, or

The Office of the Provost is pleased to sponsor the Academic Affairs Staff Excellence Award. The award celebrates excellence by recognizing the exemplary service and outstanding professional contributions among the 150+ members of the academic staff and their integral role in advancing the academic mission of the University of Hartford.

The Academic Affairs Staff Excellence Award provides recognition and a cash award to distinguish academic staff members who consistently demonstrate a commitment to the University community, the University mission, and our core values of integrity, creativity, and excellence. Staff members who serve within units that report to the Office of the Provost and who have completed three years of service with the University will be eligible for nomination.

Recipients will be exemplary colleagues who are recognized for providing not only expertise but also a high quality of service to the campus community.  Further, they advance the mission of the University by demonstrating a consistent ability to:

  • Make a significant, positive impact within their department
  • Provide expert service to our community at large
  • Problem solve with initiative and creativity
  • Make an exceptional individual or shared contribution in service to others
  • Enhance the University of Hartford community by building interdepartmental relationships that lead to continuous improvement

The award is presented annually during the spring semester.   If you are interested in learning more, please see the attached information sheet.  If you would like to nominate someone for this award, please fill out the Academic Affairs Staff Excellence Award Nomination Cover Sheet and submit it to the Office of the Provost (  NOMINATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN THE LAST FRIDAY IN MARCH OF EACH YEAR.

The Office of the Provost is pleased to announce the Voluntary Phased Retirement Plan for eligible full-time faculty, which includes an opportunity for faculty on tenured contracts, Clinical/Applied, Extended Temporary Contracts ("ETC"), and Associate in Music contracts in The Hartt School to apply.

The plan allows eligible faculty members who are contemplating retirement a gradual disengagement from their current responsibilities over a one or two-year period. Eligible faculty members may choose to reduce their workload and salary while retaining their full benefits at the same contribution rates as regular full-time faculty members. Faculty members who are approved to participate in the plan may access their TIAA-CREF retirement annuity while they are still working, subject to the terms of the funding vehicle.

To be eligible for the plan, full-time faculty members must meet the following criteria:

  • Hold a contract status of tenured, Clinical/Applied, ETC, or Associate in Music in the Hartt School
  • Be at least 55 years of age; and
  • Must have at least 10 years of employment as a full-time faculty member at the University of Hartford by August 15 of the application year.

The plan is entirely voluntary. Faculty members may choose to retire without entering into a phased plan.

The enrollment period for the Voluntary Phased Retirement Plan begins at the start of each academic year and ends on January 31 of the application year. The application form can be found in PeopleAdmin Records and must be submitted to no later than January 31 of the application year to be eligible for consideration so that faculty contracts issued on March 1 can reflect the phased retirement agreement.

If you have any questions, please contract the, Executive Assistant to the Provost, at

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